Friday, August 9, 2013

Beyond the hills (2012) Romania

Plot: A young girl Alina comes to visit her one time girlfriend Voichita who has taken up residence at a monastery run by a priest.

An alien invades a closed world
At two and a half hours long it's probably a tad long - I like movies to be around an hour and a half but the story keeps you hanging on to find out what happens at the end. Will the two girls run away together or will the visitor be converted and join the members of the monastery? I will not spoil it for you by divulging the ending but in the end that's probably not the important thing about this movie. What's interesting is the contrast of lifestyle between the two girls. The visitor girl Alina is bewildered by the behaviour of her one time girlfriend who has converted or has been born again to the Orthodox Church and seems happy with her lot at the monastery. She thinks that she is sleeping with the Father. She cannot fathom the behaviour of all the women there and visa versa they are not able to read her. They're at cross purpose and the final resolution is unexpected. Worth watching for it's authentic look and intelligent script. The movie never passes judgment on its characters and the acting is convincing.

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